Prepping for HTS aka HÖTSI 2013


It’s been a while since we last entered our cars to a car show. So this summer we decided that it was time to hit the “show scene” again. Just to give the next generation tuners run for their money, hah! We’re bunch of old dude’s but we still enjoy building these cars. (We have been in the “Tuning Scene” since 1995).


So we motivated our team, did some random planing, got few sponsors and got to work. Most of all we have had good laughs and “bad ideas” 🙂

– just the right kind of ingredients for a good show cars. HÖTSI 2013 – here we come!



hc graphics


I’ll let you know more once our cars are ready and we will see how they turned up. On a side note: some pretty epic by-products are out of molds. Stay tuned!



HTS aka HÖTSI we be held at Oulu, Ouluhalli 8-9 Sptember 2013: HifiTuningShow
